Ibiti News
See what's happening at Ibiti, hear inspiring stories and stay up to date with tips on well-being, sustainability and everything about our environmental and social initiatives.

Revista Ibiti 42 anos
Leia a edição comemorativa da Revista Ibiti 42 anos, lançada em 2024 A segunda edição da revista Ibiti 42 anos, de 2024, apresenta nossas ações,

Ibiti Journal 2: As novidades da primavera/verão 2024
Folhear as páginas de um jornal é resgatar o prazer de uma leitura tranquila e reflexiva, distante da pressa do mundo digital. Em tempos de

Ibiti Journal: Conheça a primeira edição do jornal do Ibiti Projeto
O Ibiti Projeto inova mais uma vez e apresenta o Ibiti Journal, um jornal impresso que resgata o formato clássico e o prazer de folhear

Lixo Zero: Actions reduce the impact of waste in the Ibiti Project
Vila Mogol has a Selective Collection Point and a Waste Center. And what do you do with your trash?

Piano concert at Oca: A soundtrack for Ibiti
Ibiti Project receives musical tribute. Suite No. 1, composed by Lucas Soares, was presented in a piano concert at the Oca

Tapir in Ibitipoca: New resident of Ibiti brings lessons about regeneration
Meet Bambu, the baby tapir in Ibitipoca, an ambassador for preservation, and understand the importance of this species for biodiversity

Vacation with children in Ibiti: Fun and connection with nature
Programming includes picnic at the Statues, stargazing, visit to the muriquis and much more

SPAs in Ibitipoca: Travel to relax!
Yoga, massages and therapies: a touch of care for the skin and soul. Taking care of the body, mind and spirit is part of the